What You Should and Shouldn’t Do When You’re Cleaning Your Sunglasses


With repeated use, your sunglasses will tend to get dirty with time. As you’re putting them on and taking them off, the lenses are bound to get fingerprints on them. The dirt on the lenses can also include accumulated dust particles, oil and sweat from your skin, as well as your dead skin cells.

polarized sunglasses for women
polarized sunglasses for women

The best way to keep your sunglasses looking as good as new is by cleaning them on a regular basis. This will also protect your sunglasses from getting scratches and protect your eyes from damage. If you own a pair of polycarbonate or polarized sunglasses for women, you will need to invest in a bottle of lens cleaner that’s ideal for all lens types and a lens cloth.

Cleaning your sunglasses

When it comes to cleaning your sunglasses, there are quite a number of different ways that you can clean your sunglasses. There are also a number of different ways in which you shouldn’t clean them. Let us have an in-depth look at both:

How to do it…

Follow these sunglass maintenance tips to keep your glasses looking great for as long as possible:

  1. First clean your hand thoroughly to make sure that they’re free from dirt and anything else that could possibly be transferred to the glasses’ lenses. Use regular soap and after, dry them using a lint-free towel.
  2. To remove any particles from the lenses, clean them gently using a stream of flowing tap water. The water should not be hot as it might damage the coat on the lenses. If you’re comfortable doing it, you can take off the lenses before you start cleaning.
polarized sunglasses for women
polarized sunglasses for women
  1. Use mild dishwashing liquid to clean the lenses. Rub the soap on both sides on the lens and all the other parts of the glasses where there’s the possibility of accumulation of dust.
  2. Again, use a gentle stream of tap water to thoroughly rinse the sunglasses. Ensure that you remove all traces of soap from the lenses; if you don’t, the lenses will appear smudged after they dry up.
polarized sunglasses for women
polarized sunglasses for women
  1. After inspecting the glasses and confirming that they’re clean, use a clean lint-free towel to dry them. Do this very carefully so that you don’t end up scratching the lenses. Do a final inspection to make sure that the glasses are clean and are not covered in towel fuzz.


How not to do it…

If you would like for your pair of sunglasses to serve you for a long time, here is a list of things that you should refrain from doing:

  1. Never lick or spit on the glasses. Using saliva does not work as a way of cleaning the glasses. Second of all, it’s just disgusting
  2. Never use bleach, strong detergents, ammonia, or vinegar to clean the glasses. These chemicals will ruin your glasses by stripping them of the outer coating.
  3. Don’t use heavy fabrics or paper towels to rub the lenses; this will leave scratch marks. Always carry a soft lens cloth at all times. The cloth should not be cleaned using fabric softener.
polarized sunglasses for women
polarized sunglasses for women

Sunglasses cleaning liquid and cloths are readily available from your local pharmacy or your nearest eye-care professionals.

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